Tuesday 9 September 2008

SMWS 24.101 (Macallan 23 yo 1985/2008)

SMWS 24.101 (Macallan 23 yo 1985/2008)

2008, SMWS

Single malt - Speyside
Dark gold
52.8% ABV

Nose: Oranges, bitter chocolate, caramel, vanilla, whipped cream, hints of cranberries.
Mouthfeel: Medium body, watery, loose, static.
Tasting: Sweet. Oak, vanilla, walnuts, orange peel, cinnamon, honey, hints of red grapes, hints of cranberries.
Finish: Short. Vanilla, caramel, marmalade.


Lots and lots of oranges, almost like a Balvenie, except that the oranges are fresher, less peel. They are also mixed with sweet vanilla cream - like a creme anglaise. Lots of oak and wood in the taste, slightly nutty. So much wood that it's difficult to discern the flavours. At least the nose is great.


I like this.

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