Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Belgrove Oat 3yo (Rum and Raisin)

Belgrove Oat 3yo (Rum and Raisin)

Bonded International Series, Killowen bottler
Single grain - Tasmania
Amber brown, hints of green
59.42% ABV

Nose: Peanuts, chocolate, raisins, walnut skins, oregano, fresh cut grass, hints of black pepper. With water, diesel exhaust, black pepper, chocolate. 
Mouthfeel: Heavy body, cool, tingly, oily. 
Tasting:  Sour sweet. Peanuts, raisins, walnut skins, thyme, diesel exhaust, autumn leaves, hints of ume. With water, raisins, autumn leaves, thyme, chocolate. 
Finish: Long. Black pepper, diesel exhaust, raisins, chocolate. 


Green and herbal, but with underlying notes of raisins and chocolate. There also a bitter undertone, that I interpret as diesel exhaust and walnut skins. Perhaps a little too young.


I like this.

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