Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Agitator Swedish Four Grain Whisky Ex White Port Cask

Agitator Swedish Four Grain Whisky Ex White Port Cask

Collector Series, Caskshare 
Single grain - Västmanland
58.6% ABV

Nose: Lemon juice, white pepper, rye bread, peppermint malted grains, roast chicken, hints of rosemary. With water, rye bread, petrol exhaust, roast chicken, sultanas. 
Mouthfeel: Medium body, thickens, tingly, cool. 
Tasting:  Salty sour. Peppermint, rosemary, rye bread, caraway seed, petrol exhaust, white pepper, hints of roast chicken. With water, rye bread, caraway seed, peppermint, hints of chocolate. 
Finish: Medium. Farmyard, lemon juice, petrol exhaust, caraway seed. 


Cask 4067. There’s quite a lot of different grains in this whisky, making for a jumble of odd notes that don’t normally go together. But it’s pretty interesting, and I’d like to drink more from this distiller.  


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