Wednesday 3 April 2019

Brora 20yo 1982/2003

Brora 20yo 1982/2003

Chieftains, Ian MacLeod Distillers
Single malt - North Highlands
46% ABV

Nose: Papaya, wet dog, raisins, salt caramel, autumn leaves after rain, hints of smoke. 
Mouthfeel: Medium body, sticky, mouth coating, loosens. 
Tasting:  Sweet. Papaya, smoke, sea salt, apples, vanilla, fresh baked bread, hints of leather. 
Finish: Medium. Smoke, lemon zest, honey, leather, hints of fresh baked bread. 


Cask 1195. It's nice to have a Brora, although it gets harder to find and more expensive to buy with each passing year. This one is unusual, heaps of tropical fruit (not like Brora), some earthy funk on the nose (more like Brora) and some farmyardy wet dog (hmm, not sure) on the nose. On the tongue, this shifts to sweet salty smoky goodness - lots of fruit, cereal and leather. Good stuff.


I like this a lot.

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