Friday 23 February 2024

Akkeshi 3yo 2018/2023

Akkeshi 3yo 2018/2023

Selection, Adelphi
Single malt - Hokkaido
Amber rose 
57.8% ABV

Nose: Smoke, peat, yoghurt, tyre rubber, germolene, hints of vanilla, hints of rhubarb and custard sweets. With water, tyre rubber, charcoal ash, vanilla, driftwood smoke. 
Mouthfeel: Medium body, loosens, tingly, cool. 
Tasting:  Sour bitter. Leather, vanilla, tyre rubber, driftwood smoke, lemon curd, charcoal ash, sour cream, hints of yoghurt. With water, driftwood smoke, strawberries, vanilla, hints of rhubarb and custard sweets. 
Finish: Medium. Lemon curd, driftwood smoke, charcoal ash, leather, peat. 


Cask 1011. Akkeshi is meant to replicate Lagavulin, and I must say they’ve done a very good job. I tasted this alongside a dram of Lagavulin 16yo, and the only thing missing was the seaweed notes, and slight additional tartness. Very nice indeed.


I like this a lot. 

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