Friday 6 July 2018

Balvenie 14yo Peat Week 2003

Balvenie 14yo Peat Week 2003

Official bottling
Single malt - Speyside
Dark gold
48.3% ABV

Nose: Lemon zest, honey, leather, peat, orange juice, hints of malted grains 
Mouthfeel: Light body, loosens, slippery, slightly astringent. 
Tasting:  Bitter. Honey, lemon zest, orange juice, smoke, leather, peat, hints of chillies. 
Finish: Long. Peanuts, orange juice, peat, hints of chillies. 


Much like a hot toddy made with Islay whisky, it's chockfull of citrus and smoky leathery goodness. Peated Speyside whiskies may seem like a gimmick, but every now and then someone manages to create one where the floral delicacy of Speyside whisky isn't overpowered by the smokiness.


I like this a lot.

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