Wednesday 24 February 2016

Convalmore 40 yo 1975/2015

Convalmore 40 yo 1975/2015

Rare Old, Gordon & Macphail
Single malt - Speyside
Dark gold
46% ABV

Nose: Rhubarb and custard sweets, white grapes, honey, lemon zest, pomegranate molasses. 
Mouthfeel: Heavy body, syrupy, tingly, sticky. 
Tasting:  Sweet sour. Honey, whipped cream, white grapes, yoghurt, lemon juice, hints of pomegranate molasses. 
Finish: Short. White grapes, toast, fresh baked bread, yoghurt, honey. 


Lot RO/15/06. What a wonderful find! It's rare that I get to taste a whisky older than I am, and I take the chance every time I can. This is only the second Convalmore I've ever had, and this is reminiscent of a good Rosebank. Lots of fruit, some milk and yoghurt notes, and sweet alluring pomegranate molasses. Excellent whisky.


I like this a lot.

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