Wednesday 20 August 2008

Bunnahabhain 11 yo 1996/2007

Bunnahabhain 11 yo 1996/2007

Old Malt Cask, Douglas Laing

Single malt - Islay

Silvery gold
50% ABV

Nose: Raisins, sugared haw berries, butter, starfruit, hints of honey, hints of black tea.
Mouthfeel: Medium body, slightly syrupy, thickens, quite gentle.
Tasting: Sweet. Peat, sherry, raisins, mustard, coffee, hints of salted caramel, hints of beef dripping.
Finish: Long. Coffee, chocolate, hints of roast pork.


Interesting in several ways. First, there's the colour - strangely silvery, like a cup of silver needle tea. Then there's some dissonant notes on the nose. I mean, starfruit and sugared haw berries? Reminds me of strolling along the Bund in Shanghai, buying a random snack (mostly haw berries and tropical fruit) from the hawkers every now and then. Then there's the savoury meaty notes, which aren't obvious at all, teasing the nose in a now-you-smell-it-now-you-don't fashion. Very confusing! Tasty whisky though, another great Old Malt Cask bottling, something I've come to expect from this excellent indie bottler.


I like this.

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